Setup & Troubleshooting

Luxafor Flag setup and use

Luxafor Flag setup

Luxafor Flag is a simple electronic device that shows the user's availability status with the help of colored LED lights. To ensure that you are fully familiar with the device you can take a look at the technical specifications HERE. It is important to note that for Luxafor Flag to work you will need to install the appropriate Luxafor Software. Check HERE to see if your computer OS is compatible with any of the Luxafor software versions.

To start using your Luxafor Flag device all you need to do is to follow a few steps:

1. Download and install Luxafor desktop software for your OS from

2. Remove the plastic from the double-sided tape that is on the magnet and attach the magnet to any surface on which you would like to place your Luxafor Flag, such as your laptop, cubicle partition, etc.

3. Launch Luxafor software on your computer.

4. Connect Luxafor Flag to your computer using the USB cable included.

5. Choose the integration according to your needs.

NB! A freshly attached magnet can be removed and replaced to any other surface without leaving any trace, however, if you will try to remove it after a while it is possible that the glue will leave stains and the magnet will not come off so easily. Also, if the magnet has been attached to a certain surface for a longer period of time, most likely it will not stick to another surface or the connection will be very weak.

If you notice any deviations or visible damages while unpacking the device please contact our Customer Support by following the instructions below and our team will make sure to assist you at the earliest possible convenience!


How to report issues

If the troubleshooting steps did not help and the issue still persists or your issue is very specific, please follow the guidelines below to report the issue in a way that will allow us to resolve it ASAP.

In the contact form (accessible by pressing "Contact Us" below or "Contact" and the top right corner of the window):

    1. Please provide your name and company (if applicable);

    2. In the "Message" space please describe the issue with as many details as possible. The description should include (but not limited to) answers to the following questions: 

        • Was the purchase made on our online shop or on Amazon? 

        • Is this a physical or a software issue? 

        • Which troubleshooting steps you have made already? 

        • If this is a software issue - which OS you are using? 

        • Your order number (if applicable) and date;

    3. Please provide any physical evidence (print screens, pictures, videos) where the issue can be seen clearly. If the report is about a connection, a video should be taken on how the device reacts exactly at the moment of the connection. If the issue involves both Luxafor software and Luxafor hardware - both parts should be clearly seen in the video in a way that best describes the issue.

Please note, that upon necessity we might ask additional questions to clarify the details of the situation. Your cooperation and patience during the investigation process are much appreciated!

Luxafor Switch setup and use

Luxafor Switch Setup

Prior to using the Luxafor Switch device please make sure that both Switch Cube and Power Bank are fully charged.

The Luxafor Switch Cube will turn on immediately when the charging has begun. The level of battery power shows right after the device has been turned on (see “Reading the battery levels on the Switch Cube unit” below). You can use the Luxafor Switch Cube unit safely during the charging process - it will operate normally.

To know more about Power Bank charging please read "Luxafor Power Bank technical specifications and use"

    1. When the Power Bank unit and Switch Cube have both been fully charged, plug the Luxafor Dot unit into the Power Bank. 
    2. Remove the plastic from the double-sided tape that is on the magnet and attach the magnet to the surface on which you would like to place the Luxafor Dot with the Power Bank. (Bluetooth range without obstacles - 25 m (82 feet)). 
    3. Short press the button at the back of the Luxafor Switch Cube unit to turn on the device. 
    4. The Switch Cube unit will then automatically create a connection with the closest Luxafor Dot unit (A red running pattern will be indicated). To connect Switch Cube to another Luxafor Dot unit:
      • Device version that starts with 01 or without version nr. (you can find the version number on the carton package next to the bar code) -  shortly press the small black button at the back of the Cube unit (a green running pattern will be indicated).
      • The version that starts with 03 (you can find the version number on the carton package next to the bar code) - press and hold the button at the back of the Cube unit for 10 sec (green running pattern will be indicated).
    5. Switch the colors on the Dot unit remotely by placing the Switch Cube sideways.
    6. To turn the Switch Cube off:
      a. Device version 01 - press and hold the button at the back. Release when Purple color is indicated.
      b. Version 03 - shortly press the button at the back of the Cube unit.

NB! Please note that the Switch cube can make a connection with only one Dot at a time.

Luxafor Switch Use

As Luxafor Switch does not require software to be operated, the use is fairly simple - Switch Cube works as a remote control, and the colors on both Cube and Dot are changed by turning the Cube sideways. Each side of the Cube switches to a specific color as shown below:

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Reading the Battery Levels on the Switch Cube Unit

To read the battery level of the Switch Cube unit place it in a face-up position. The Cube will then illuminate in Cyan Blue color, and the total amount of LEDs shining will indicate the approximate power level on the Switch Cube device. LEDs in the Cube are placed as shown in the following scheme:

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    • The battery is fully charged when all 6 LEDs are shining.
    • The power level indicators will start to drop, starting from LED No. 1 and going clockwise.
    • Consequently, when the battery level is critically low, it will indicate only the LED No. 6 shining. Immediate charging is needed. 

Eco Mode

It is possible to set the Luxafor Switch also in Eco Mode. This will help to prolong both Cube's and Power Bank's battery life.

To use Eco Mode, press and hold the button at the back of the Switch Cube. Release when Orange color is indicated. 

The same applies to exiting the Eco Mode.

When Eco mode is enabled both the Switch Cube unit and the Dot unit will indicate the colors in pulsating (slowly blinking) fashion. When Eco mode is not enabled, both units will indicate in solid colors.

Understanding the Colour Indicators 

The Switch Cube has multiple color indicators and each has a different meaning:

    • Green running pattern - Scanning Regime. Switch Cube is scanning for Luxafor Dot units nearby. 
    • Red running pattern - Connecting Regime. Switch Cube is establishing a connection with a Luxafor Dot unit. 
    • Purple upon long-pressing the button - You can now release the button and the Switch Cube will turn off.
    • Orange upon long-pressing the button - You can now release the button and the Eco Mode will be turned on/ off.

Additional Remarks

    • If the Switch Cube can’t find any Luxafor Dot units nearby during the Scanning or Connecting Regimes within 1 minute, it will turn off. To turn it back on again, press the button at the back of the Luxafor Switch Cube. Find the nearby unit by waiting for 1 minute in the Scanning or Connecting Regimes. 
    • If the battery level for the Switch Cube is extremely low, it is possible that when starting the charging process, the device will not turn on immediately. It will charge for a short period of time and once it has enough power, it will turn on and operate normally.
    • The Switch Cube can connect to only one Dot at a time.
    • The Luxafor Switch is a stand-alone device and does not interact with any software. Accordingly, it is not possible to control it from any other device and it cannot be customized to set other colors. 
Luxafor Bluetooth troubleshooting

Luxafor Bluetooth Basic Troubleshooting Steps

If you experience that your Luxafor Bluetooth device is not able to connect with the Luxafor software or the Dongle cannot establish a connection with the Dot here are the basic troubleshooting steps to check if you are experiencing a technical issue that requires our Technical support assistance:

    1. Make sure you plug the Luxafor Dot unit into the Power Bank first, and the Dongle unit into the computer/hub afterward.
    2. Make sure you allow up to 2 minutes for the devices to connect.
    3. Make sure you have installed the latest Luxafor software version. It’s for Windows and v2.0.13 for Mac.
    4. Make sure you are using the Luxafor Dongle provided.
    5. Test if the USB port on your computer or hub is working correctly by plugging other devices, such as a keyboard or a memory stick, into the same port.
    6. Test other USB ports on your computer or hub by plugging in the Luxafor Dongle.
    7. Test other computers with the same operating system (and its version) by plugging in the Luxafor Dongle.
    8. Make sure the Power Bank is fully and properly charged.
    9. Check if the Dot is working by inserting it into any USB port (computer, hub). The Dot should blink with a blue light once and shine in the same color as the Dongle. 
    10. Ensure that the Dongle unit and Dot unit are not further than 25 m (82 feet) apart. This is the maximum Bluetooth operating range for these devices without any obstacles between them. Check if there aren’t any obstacles, such as a thick concrete wall or dense metallic objects that could potentially block the signal.
    11. Make sure the tab of your choice is active on the software for it to work. For example, if you wish Luxafor to display your connection on Zapier, then the “Zapier” tab must be open on Luxafor software. 
    12. Test if your Luxafor Dot works together with the Android App

If your Luxafor Bluetooth does not work at startup after a cold start:

    1. Make sure you have enabled “Start Luxafor when I start Windows” in the “Settings” tab of Luxafor Software for Windows or Mac.
    2. Make sure the Power Bank is fully and properly charged.
    3. Make sure that the USB ports are not in "hibernation mode." Please go to your Windows "Device Manager" and click the "+" sign next to "Universal Serial Bus Controllers." Click on any "Root Hub" and select "Properties." Click the Power Management tab and ensure that "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" is enabled and proceed to do this under each "Root Hub." Also, from the Control Panel and Power Options, select the Hibernation Tab and deselect "Enable hibernate support."

If your Gmail notifications are not working properly on Luxafor software or you see an error message "Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app":

    1. Make sure your IMAP is enabled. More information:
    2. If you have set up a two-factor authorization, then you must generate App Password. This is the password you must use in Luxafor configuration, not your Gmail account password. More information:
    3. Make sure the Notifications tab in Luxafor Software is active and click “Mail”.
    4. Fill the fields with the information as shown in the picture below and click “OK” or Test the Connection if you wish:

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How to report issues

If the troubleshooting steps did not help and the issue still persists or your issue is very specific, please follow the guidelines below to report the issue in a way that will allow us to resolve it ASAP.

In the contact form (accessible by pressing "Contact Us" below or "Contact" and the top right corner of the window):

    1. Please provide your name and company (if applicable);

    2. In the "Message" space please describe the issue with as many details as possible. The description should include (but not limited to) answers to the following questions: 

        • Was the purchase made on our online shop or on Amazon? 

        • Is this a physical or a software issue? 

        • Which troubleshooting steps you have made already? 

        • If this is a software issue - which OS you are using? 

        • Your order number (if applicable) and date;

    3. Please provide any physical evidence (print screens, pictures, videos) where the issue can be seen clearly. If the report is about a connection, a video should be taken on how the device reacts exactly at the moment of the connection. If the issue involves both Luxafor software and Luxafor hardware - both parts should be clearly seen in the video in a way that best describes the issue.

Please note, that upon necessity we might ask additional questions to clarify the details of the situation. Your cooperation and patience during the investigation process are much appreciated!

Luxafor Flag troubleshooting

Luxafor Flag Basic Troubleshooting Steps

Sometimes it can happen that your device might stop performing as expected. In such cases, it is important to check if that has been an accidental bug that does not leave any permanent effect on the device or if the device indeed has a technical problem. To do so, please follow the basic troubleshooting steps below:

  1. Ensure that you have the latest version of the Luxafor Software because your Luxafor Flag will only work if the software is properly installed and working. ( If you do not know which software version you have, just open the Luxafor Software, access the Help page, and scroll down to the bottom of the page where the version of the software will be displayed.)
  2. Check if the software has recognized the Luxafor Flag and shows "Device connected" at the bottom left corner of the software window.
  3. If the software does not recognize the device, check the USB cable and the Flag itself:
    1. attach the USB cable to any electrical device with a micro-USB input port, like, a smartphone or similar. If the device reacts, the USB cable is fine.
    2. attach another USB cable with the micro-USB adapter to the Flag. If the Flag reacts, the problem will be elsewhere.
  4. Try to uninstall and re-install the Luxafor Software.
  5. If the issue still persists follow the guidelines below to contact our Technical support.

How to report issues

If the troubleshooting steps did not help and the issue still persists or your issue is very specific, please follow the guidelines below to report the issue in a way that will allow us to resolve it ASAP.

In the contact form (accessible by pressing "Contact Us" below or "Contact" and the top right corner of the window):

    1. Please provide your name and company (if applicable);

    2. In the "Message" space please describe the issue with as many details as possible. The description should include (but not limited to) answers to the following questions: 

        • Was the purchase made on our online shop or on Amazon? 

        • Is this a physical or a software issue? 

        • Which troubleshooting steps you have made already? 

        • If this is a software issue - which OS you are using? 

        • Your order number (if applicable) and date;

    3. Please provide any physical evidence (print screens, pictures, videos) where the issue can be seen clearly. If the report is about a connection, a video should be taken on how the device reacts exactly at the moment of the connection. If the issue involves both Luxafor software and Luxafor hardware - both parts should be clearly seen in the video in a way that best describes the issue.

Please note, that upon necessity we might ask additional questions to clarify the details of the situation. Your cooperation and patience during the investigation process are much appreciated!

Luxafor Bluetooth setup and use

Connecting Luxafor Dot to a Computer

    1. Download and install Luxafor desktop software for your OS from
    2. When the Power Bank unit is fully charged, plug the Luxafor Dot unit into the Power Bank. 
    3. Remove the plastic from the double-sided tape that is on the magnet and attach the magnet to the surface on which you would like to place the Luxafor Dot with the Power Bank. (Bluetooth range without obstacles - 25 m (82 feet)).
    4. Launch Luxafor software on your computer.
    5. Plug the Dongle in the computer from which you will be controlling your Luxafor device.
    6. Wait for the devices to connect.

Connecting Luxafor Dot to an Android Device

    1. Check if your Android version is no older than Android 5 (Lollipop). 
    2. Download the app to your device from
    3. Turn on the Bluetooth on your mobile device.
    4. Open the app and press “Connect”.
    5. Choose the closest “Luxafor Dot” from the list.
    6. Wait for the devices to connect.

Important remarks

    • Before the first use make sure that your Power Bank is properly charged. Feel free to check the charging guidelines HERE
    • Always plug the Luxafor Dot unit into the Power Bank first, and the Dongle unit into the computer afterward.
    • It can take up to 2 minutes for the devices to connect. When the devices are not connected, the Dot unit will blink red every 2 seconds waiting for connection and the Dongle unit will blink in the color you have set in the software every 5 seconds.
    • If you happen to experience any problems with your Luxafor Bluetooth device here are the basic troubleshooting steps that will help you understand if you have encountered a serious issue.
Luxafor Switch troubleshooting

Luxafor Switch Basic Troubleshooting Steps

Before you reach out to our technical support for any assistance please make sure you have proceeded with the basic troubleshooting steps as described below:
    1. If your Switch Cube is not connecting/cannot find the Dot:
      • Device version that starts with 01 or without version nr. (you can find the version number on the carton package next to the bar code) -  shortly press the button at the back of the Cube unit (green running pattern will be indicated).
      • The version that starts with 03 (you can find the version number on the carton package next to the bar code) - press and hold the button at the back of the Cube unit for 10 sec (green running pattern will be indicated).
    2. Allow the connection to establish for 2 minutes. If the connection is not successful try turning the Cube off and on again.
    3. Check if the Dot is working properly - insert the Dot in any other USB port that provides electricity and see if the Dot blinks once with a blue light. If possible, wait for 2 minutes to see if the Dot establishes a connection with the Switch Cube.
    4. Check if the Power Bank is working properly.
    5. If your Switch Cube does not start, attach it to the USB charging cable and see if the cube reacts. Sometimes if the Switch cube is heavily drained, it may take up to 20 minutes to react. 



How to report issues

If the troubleshooting steps did not help and the issue still persists or your issue is very specific, please follow the guidelines below to report the issue in a way that will allow us to resolve it ASAP.

In the contact form (accessible by pressing "Contact Us" below or "Contact" and the top right corner of the window):

    1. Please provide your name and company (if applicable);

    2. In the "Message" space please describe the issue with as many details as possible. The description should include (but not limited to) answers to the following questions: 

        • Was the purchase made on our online shop or on Amazon? 

        • Is this a physical or a software issue? 

        • Which troubleshooting steps you have made already? 

        • If this is a software issue - which OS you are using? 

        • Your order number (if applicable) and date;

    3. Please provide any physical evidence (print screens, pictures, videos) where the issue can be seen clearly. If the report is about a connection, a video should be taken on how the device reacts exactly at the moment of the connection. If the issue involves both Luxafor software and Luxafor hardware - both parts should be clearly seen in the video in a way that best describes the issue.

Please note, that upon necessity we might ask additional questions to clarify the details of the situation. Your cooperation and patience during the investigation process are much appreciated!

Luxafor Mute Button troubleshooting

Luxafor Mute Button Basic Troubleshooting Steps

Before you reach out to our support team for any assistance please make sure you have followed the basic steps for the Mute Button to work properly:

    • Place the button on a surface where you are going to use it and then connect it to your computer using the USB cable included;
    • Mute Button must be operated from the Luxafor Mute Button app or with the physical device only;
    • The device controls the microphone via System Settings. Make sure that the microphone is on a list of input devices. Headphones, or speakers - at output devices.
    • Mute software and video conferencing app's microphone must match the input device in the System Settings.

Luxafor Mute Button interacts on hardware, not app level, and connects and disconnects the microphone via System Settings. The mute status is indicated in Luxafor software, and with the light on the device, and must be operated from the Luxafor app or with the physical device. If the video conference app's software does not track the system's mute position - it is not represented in its software UI (meaning the mute/unmute icons do not change and another way round).

New Microsoft Teams troubleshooting

Here are a few steps you can take to resolve this issue:

Update your Luxafor Software: You can find this information in the app's Help - About section. Download the latest software on our websiteMicrosoft storeand Apple store (the latest is + for Win, 2.3.0.+ for Mac)

Reauthorize Luxafor in Teams: Have the end-user log out of the Microsoft Teams section in the Luxafor app, then log back in to prompt a new authorization request. This can often resolve permission-related issues.

Check Teams Privacy Settings: Ensure that the privacy settings in Microsoft Teams are configured to allow external apps like Luxafor to access status information.

Review App Permissions: In the Teams admin center (if using such), check that the Luxafor app is approved and has the necessary permissions to interact with Teams.

If the issue persists after trying these steps, please contact our support providing additional information such as:

    • The operation system you are using;
    • Any specific error messages that appear when attempting to sync the Teams status with the Luxafor device;
    • Whether this issue occurs for multiple users or if it's isolated to a single user;
    • What antivirus are you using on your computer;
    • Screenshots or videos that you believe might be helpful.

FYI: There's a minor issue with the Microsoft Store where it doesn't display the "update" option, even when a newer version is available. If you're using Windows, kindly uninstall the app, then proceed to download and reinstall it.

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