The Succeeding Culture
Shall we discuss succeeding personalities, and succeeding culture, as it was a long time since it was done in our blogs:
Henry Ford was born into a family of simple farmers, decided to leave home at 16, and at 47 he built the most innovative factory by that time. How he became successful and rich? Gave people the possibility to get automobiles.
Another story – Steve Jobs, without mums, dads, and credits created a company in his garage. And till the end of his life, he was presenting products in the same outfit.Â
Rihanna – used to sell clothes in a shelter in Barbados, at 16 years decided to move to the USA to become a singer and now she – shines bright like a diamond.Â
So, what’s their secret? The only motivation isn’t giving enough, maybe being more stubborn, hard-working?
If you’ll be hard-working, and productive you’ll achieve A LOT! My grandpa was hard-working. Though he didn’t achieve such success.
Most probably you’ve heard the rule of 10 000 h. Maybe even from us.Â
Firstly, It’s appeared in Malcolm Gladwell’s book – “Outliers. The Story of Success”.
And quote – The need for talent is over-evaluated, and to be master at the craft you’ll need 10 000 h of practice. Amazing saying. 9h of practice for 3 years doesn’t tell you that you won’t be a professional. If we’ll take violin students as an example – for 20 years the best students got up to 10 000 h of practice. The Beatles as well before their first performance in Hamburg. Also Bill Gates – but in programming before Microsoft. That’s why we have this magical number. But.. it’s not 100% right. It’s not precise.
A new study showed that the best violinist had less practice time than the others. E – stands for efficiency. Sportsmen had 18% more than the others. Another 82% was – genetics, psycho-motoric activity and how they react to the negative results, rewards, overall intellect, capacity of memory, and confidence. So hard work won’t 100% mean that you’ll achieve a lot. My grandpa – didn’t if we go back in the text. So… what’s the secret? Maybe thinking outside the box? Creativity?Â

Most probably you’ve heard this saying – Bill Gates didn’t finish university but has achieved a lot, as well as some others. And when reading such – you stop your studies, but success still doesn’t come. Year, 2-3, why? Easy.
You didn’t consider other factors of your idols. Such as – start opportunities, tech improvement, lucky economic cycle, and even – How many mistakes were made beforehand – Experience. And to give you more insight there is High Ability Studies vol 28 number 1 June 2017 – where examining 12 000 people the most successful people >94% have finished college when what remains are those who haven’t finished it.Â
Basically – for one person that hasn’t finished their studies – there are a huge amount of people who haven’t finished their studies but didn’t achieve success. But these stories won’t reach you, as the internet doesn’t love such.
Internet love stories of those who survived. Called an Error of Survivability. The most bright and used example:
During WW2, American aircraft returned home with holes in their wings and engineers decided to improve and enforce those. But what they didn’t know or realize, is that aircraft that haven’t arrived home – artillery put holes in the main body, the ‘structure’ of an aircraft, or its boosters, propellers. And they needed to improve those! Not wings, so more planes return home.Â
The same is with the stories of success – it’s cool to pay attention to them – these inspire and give you a productivity boost, but mostly we need to pay attention to the stories of Failures that have led to unsuccess. And that’s the most important to understand what was the reason for Not Success? So you won’t repeat the same.Â
Idols mostly don't talk about failures
You have to remember, that stories of Success also consist of failures, though somehow those who’ve achieved success – don’t always reveal that. Even if we’ll take Elon Musk.Â
He’s considered – the ideal self-made person – makes the most popular electro-mobile, and creates rockets that can fly to the moon and return, soon will launch people to Mars. BUT.Â
A small number of people say that Elon was born into a pretty rich family – where mum was a model, and dad was the co-owner of an emerald mine in Zambia. That’s why Elon wasn’t in need of anything that a lot of us do. And he could spend more time on things that he loves – rockets. And when adult Elon had problems – the US government gave his companies – Tesla Motors, SolarCity, and Space X subsidies of 4.9 Billion $.
So – productivity, efficiency, and hard work are needed for success, though secret factors are those which will tell you how high you can jump and what your starting point is! Elon Musk is an amazing jumper! But don’t forget. When Elon jumped, he was standing on a trampoline.
Let’s imagine – everything works – motivation from coaches, 10 000 h of practice, you have Lambos, private jets, and Homes all over the world as rich people love to put in your face. And after you’ve imagined that – try this test to see how many planets are needed if everyone on the planet would live like you:
There will be questions like – how much food do you eat, how often do you travel, and how much trash do you generate?Â
If we take for instance how I’d live – we all would need 4.3 planets.
Always evaluating ourselves and checking the cult of success wants us to be excellent at everything. Media, coaches, bloggers, and info-gypsies that sell successful success know that – and sell ready-made recipes. Be hardworking and dream of success all the time. And you’ll get it.Â
Though in reality – when we don’t reach success, we start getting disappointed in ourselves and life. What to do?
There is no universal recipe. No one knows how to live this life right, be incredibly efficient always, and how to help you and themselves.
Though what we want to show is that – success and happiness look differently:
The happiest countries ain’t the richest:
- Finland
- Denmark
- Iceland
- Switzerland
- The Netherlands
- Luxemburg
- Sweden
- Norway
- Israel
- New Zealand
- Austria
- Australia
- Ireland
- Germany
- Canada
- US
- United Kingdom
- Czech Republic
- Belgium
- France
And only on 24, 25 place – UAE and Saudi Arabia. Which are considered one of the richest.
Extra thoughts
But yes – the money is needed – they give comfort, security, good life quality and the opportunity to learn, that’s why it’s good to work efficiently and productively, though till a certain point as we’ve mentioned before. Later happiness is achieved with other factors – not having corruption, comfortable cities, health, and surely family and closest ones.Â
And right now there are places where the cult of success is changed by the culture of caring. Where you don’t jump over people’s heads to be ahead of the competition but make good for everyone. Instead of the success of 1 person, a really good life of millions.
Right now Norway gives % most of the money from getting oil to special funds, part goes to improve roads and medicine, while the other part goes to investitions. And now the fund has 250 000$ per every person living there. Effective? We think indeed. And if there is a crisis – everyone can get this money. While in Sweden people live by the principle of – lagom – meaning – enough.Â
Swedes don’t show off with brands, cars, and success and don’t like over-working. Instead, they spend time with family, and friends and do hobbies. Swedish people understand that life is 1 – you need to enjoy it and give the enjoyment of that to other ones.
Though you decide what’s better for you – karosi or lagom. You don’t need to sacrifice the enjoyment of life for getting all the money in the world. Though there is nothing bad in self-development, productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, and success. Surely, if it doesn’t rob you of your life.Â
Just remember – that life isn’t a school line – you don’t need to compare yourself with others and jump over heads. Hyper-motivation, 10 000 h, and best-world coaches won’t make you superhuman. But real, honest talk with yourself WILL make you more conscious and aware.Â
Don’t forget to ask yourself – why do I work? Where am I headed? and what do I really want from life?Â
And surely, self-improve yourself and do your best.Â