Luxafor introduces Early Access integration to Zapier

How to set up Luxafor and Zapier

We are proud to announce that we have finalized our latest Luxafor software updates for both Windows and Mac OS, which now include Early Access integration with Zapier.

This page will keep being updated throughout the whole process of becoming a public and stable app on Zapier. Follow us on Social Media and don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter below to stay updated!

Connect Luxafor to hundreds of other apps with Zapier

Zapier lets you connect Luxafor to 2,000+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

Each Zap has one app as the Trigger, where your information comes from and which causes one or more Actions in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.

Follow these steps to create your first Luxafor Zap

1) Log into your Zapier account using this link or create a new account

2) Click on Click on “+ Create Zap” button

Create Zap Luxafor

3) Configure Trigger step:

Choose an app gmail Luxafor
Sign in with gmail Luxafor
Chose an account Luxafor
Test your trigger Luxafor

4) Configure Action step:

Choose a pattern in Luxafor app
Choose app and event Luxafor

1. Find and copy the Luxafor ID in the Zapier Tab on Luxafor Software.

Zapier integration with Luxafor

2. Paste your Luxafor ID into the Zapier authorization field, if you have not connected your Luxafor device yet.  Click on the “Yes continue” button when you’re done.

Zapier access for Luxafor

3. If you have connected the device already, just pick that device and click on the “Continue” button. 

Choose account for Zapier with Luxafor
Set up an action on Zapier Luxafor
Send a pattern to Luxafor
Publish your Zapp Luxafor app

5) Give your Zap a name and turn it on

Create a new pattern with Luxafor

6) Enjoy – you have just created your first Zap automation with Luxafor!

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