How to maintain a healthy and result-oriented work environment

By creating a healthy and result-oriented work environment where every employee feels valued and recognized, companies should promote employee well-being as one of the main priorities. However, taking care of the overall work environment, the company must look after an appropriate internal culture, which directly affects both efficiency, productivity and can promote healthy work-life balance.

Work culture not only characterizes the company, but also affects our attitude towards it. However, the main thing is not only a theoretical vision of what the  climate in the company should be, but also its practical implementation in everyday life. When an employee feels good, the positive attitude and energy affects the whole team and eventually results in good performance.

We have summarized some of the effective workplace strategies that can be useful in promoting the company’s internal culture and well-being, as well as in improving the emotional climate of employees as well as efficient workspace.

What factors affect the work environment and why is it important?

Among the factors that affect the work environment and the ability to measure it, the main difficulty is that this environment is highly dependent on the employee’s expectations, interests and perceptions of the company.

Thus, given that perceptions and expectations are difficult to measure, a series of variables are indicated to help detect what factors influence said environment. Today we talk a lot about a healthy, supportive  and productive work environment for company employees. But why is this so important?

The point is that employees may want to go extra mile and do more than management asks of them, but only if the workplace also meets their personal needs and goals. A dissatisfied employee may not perform enough tasks, work qualitatively and efficiently. As a result, the organization suffers and its main purpose of profit decreases. Experience often shows that the internal work environment plays an important role in an overall employee satisfaction.

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The value of working environment in the company

A good climate in the company is essential. When we talk about work environment, there are no pros and cons to fostering a good climate. In this sense, the fact that the company has a good working climate has only such advantages that directly and indirectly affect the company and its employees. Therefore, among the advantages offered by the working environment and the reason for its importance, we can highlight the following:

  • Increase productivity.
  • Save costs.
  • Facilitate decision-making.
  • Improve relations between bosses and employees.
  • Strengthen job satisfaction.
  • Reduce the number of delays.
  • Promote employee motivation.
  • Spark creativity.
  • Facilitate teamwork.
  • Promote communication in the company.
  • Improve well-being in the company.
  • Contribute to the achievement of goals.
Source: Peopleimages

Internal communication exchange

Daily communication with employees is very important. It is essential to ensure that everyone in the company receives updated information and is able to share it. By diversifying information channels, it increases the chances of getting the right message across to all employees. Some companies use an intranet, other digital tools, an internal magazine, as well as various visual materials, which are meant to share and distribute information.

Internal communication of a company is a set of various specialized communication activities necessary to promote the development and functions of an organization or company. Personnel management and public relations professionals recommend that any company and institution should think about internal communication issues and work with them, regardless of the number of employees, the form of the organization’s operation or other factors. Good internal communication skills provide the basis of organizational culture, ensuring a comprehensive exchange of ideas. Internal company communication also serves for quick and open distribution of information, management decisions and reports, as well as development of innovations and new ideas in the company.

Equal involvement and participation

The involvement of employees in the company’s daily events and activities increases the sense of belonging, thus increasing loyalty to the company. Everyone’s opinion is important, which helps to create a common vision, as well as improve work processes. Why not adopt an approach with your colleagues to celebrate small victories and achievements every day? Friendly approach is always welcomed when you are not afraid to appreciate your team and each other, when you provide equal opportunities for every colleague to both express their opinion and participate in achieving good results.

Other inclusive examples that will benefit employees and, accordingly, the work environment are trainings, workshops, joint events, support for families with children, awards and recognition for meaningful successes at work. Involvement in important company processes and decision-making can bring a sense of belonging and, ultimately, the most important thing – satisfaction with the work.

Source: Shutterstock

Manager who can inspire and motivate - a leader

One of the most important sources of inspiration for an employee is the manager. The manager with energy, clear vision and ability to motivate, must be able to make everyday work an exciting adventure, highlighting the strengths of each colleague, thus promoting their professional development. Workplaces can be proud of charismatic managers who, not only with their professional competences, but also with empathy, are able to understand the needs of their team and motivate those who make up the essential strength of the company – the employees.

A professional manager or leader notices the strengths of his employees and is aware of those that still need to be improved. By getting to know your employees and colleagues, it is easier for a manager to understand the motives, desires and goals of each person. Good management has ability to find out which employees like praise, who are motivated by money, who need a flexible work regime, etc. Each employee has his own preferences and the manager’s task is to notice them and, working in a team turn them into a profitable asset for the company.

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Feedback and evaluation

In order for the employees to feel appreciated and satisfied with the work done, feedback is of special importance on a daily basis. Don’t forget to say “Thank you!” or “Good job!” also in everyday situations. But employee appreciation involves more than just words of praise. In essence, this also means hearing and understanding the emotions of your employees, so it is important not to forget to take an interest in the employee’s emotional well-being in the course of daily work.

This will help maintain not only a healthy working environment, but also strengthen mutual relations, creating a closer bond between the employees. When the team regularly assesses the dynamic among themselves both during meetings and when starting to solve an issue – such processes promote mutual trust and confidence, building a cohesive team spirit and contributing to the company’s overall achievements.

Source: Shutterstock

Ensure employee flexibility in the workplace

There is an increasing demand for flexible employment, which provides flexibility in terms of where, when and for how long an employee works. Unfortunately, not all employers offer such an opportunity, either because the specifics of the position do not allow it, or due to concerns about the employee’s loyalty outside the workplace. Now is the right time for companies to adapt to the new situation and be open to the options that work best for their employees.

Flexible work is a type of working arrangement that allows some flexibility in how long, where and when employees work. You have to be creative, flexible and provide the right working conditions to be able to do the same quality work outside the office. Those who work flexibly have a higher level of job satisfaction, greater freedom of action, compared to those who do not work flexibly. Flexible working hours can reduce absenteeism.

Implementing flexible working hours and remote work in a company can have many direct business benefits. Those benefits include saving office space, introducing technology resources that facilitate, streamline, improve the performance of work duties for employees.

Rewards, salary and stability

When talking about what an employee expects from an employer, one cannot fail to mention the remuneration policy. Some companies may have to make changes to our reward system, it can be done by applying certain fixed bonus or reward policy for employees, carefully following market trends, ensuring benefits for both the company and the employees. At a time when there is a lot of uncertainty around economy, it is important to provide security and stability to employees.

On the other hand, more financial flexibility can be applied when working in customer service, where the salary ceiling is set only by the employee himself according to the work performance. We can safely say that the task of the employer is to provide employees with security, stability, confidence in the future, while keeping up with the latest trends and maintaining flexibility.

Final thoughts

We have mentioned several important courses of action that result in favorable employee attitude, greater motivation and good working environment in the company. The corporate climate in the company has a great impact on the overall success of the company as well as on the employees. For this reason, creating a good environment in the company promotes the best work development. It is therefore an essential aspect of achieving business objectives.

There is no fixed route on how to create a good working environment in a company. In fact, if it did exist, this route might not be the just one, nor would it be a valid one for creating a good work environment. Creating a good climate in the company consists of performing a series of actions and tasks that can lead to employee satisfaction and promote their motivation and well-being.



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