Have a good night's sleep and increase your productivity

Some of us might think that the best scenario would be to take work home and gain some additional hours there. The logic is that if I get less sleep, but finish extra work, then at least tomorrow I would have less to do.

But is the time saved by working extra hours instead of sleeping well worth it? Read below for “7 Reasons Productive People Go to Bed Early” written by Amy Morin on Inc.

1. You lose focus and capacity to learn when you feel sleepy and exhausted, but a good 7 or 8 hours of sleep will help to recover from the workday and improve your memory. Avoid repeating the same tasks and dealing with your mistakes the next morning.

2. Working more than sleeping on a regular basis for a long time period might cause psychological problems – mood and anxiety disorders, or even depression.

3. Insufficient sleep negatively affects the efficiency of making good decisions.

4. Regular lack of sleep also affects the speed of reaction. “Researchers at Harvard Medical School report that insomnia is responsible for 274,000 workplace accidents and errors each year.” A. Morin, Inc.

5. You’re destroying your immune system if you’re not getting enough sleep. It means that you’re more likely to get some illness, eg. heart disease or stroke.

6. Lack of sleep decreases productivity during the day. Quoting A. Morin, “Studies estimate people who aren’t getting enough sleep cost their employers about 11.3 days of work each year in reduced productivity.”

7. Being weak and tired due to inadequate sleep makes people bad at dealing with stress. In order to have a comfortable sleep, take a look at this guide from the unclutterer on how to choose the right mattress to improve your sleep quality, and reduce stress.

8. Having a proper commercial quality bed and mattress is the another important factor positively affecting your good night sleep.

9. Paying attention to a good quality mattress should provide firmness and support to the entire body, particularly for people with chronic pain and improve your productivity during the day.

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Do you want to build and maintain new habits? Get your free PDF version of the Don't Break The Chain calendar and start today!

The original post “7 Reasons Productive People Go to Bed Early” was published on Inc., January 22, 2016 (written by Amy Morin)

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