How to Fire Up Your Motivation and Overcome Depression

How to Fire Up Your Motivation and Overcome Depression - Luxafor

Everyone has days when even the most straightforward action seems impossible and requires too much effort. This happens even often when many people who worked from the office get stuck in the home office. There is no community anymore, and we overwork because our work time is not restricted anymore.

It is a fast way to lose your motivation and eventually get depressed. We hand-picked some recommendations to boost your energy and overcome depression when strength and inspiration appear to have gone entirely.

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Source: Pexels

How to Start Overcoming Depression

There are many various methods to get back to yourself and feel happy again, but you should know that everything starts from within. Controlling your thoughts and attitude towards yourself is the number one trick you need to practice.

Acknowledge Your Thoughts

We plunge into the abyss of self-flagellation and procrastination. When we’re unproductive, it’s easy to slip into endless self-criticism. You can not notice how we are beginning to think how lazy or stupid we are. Often we let these thoughts get over us.

These thoughts are drawn into a vicious circle: lack of motivation leads to the fact that we begin to scold ourselves for procrastination, and as a result, we feel even worse.

Stop Scolding Yourself

By scolding ourselves, we do not increase our motivation. It seems to us that we should be harsher to ourselves – so we will be able to do more. We usually begin to blame ourselves and slide into self-criticism when we fail our expectations or the expectations of the people who we consider significant. A hard attitude towards yourself does not add energy.

But where to start is with self-compassion. Stop and admit that you have a lot of difficulties to overcome. Whether you are suffering from depression or just having a bad day, the pain you are experiencing is real, and the overworking doesn’t help at all.

We feel overwhelmed or numb at times. Be friendly towards yourself as you would be kind to a friend who is going through a difficult period in life. Recognize that it is normal to feel tired at times, and your value as a person is not just about productivity.

Accept Your Weaknesses

Accepting yourself is not the same as feeling sorry or digging into your problems. Showing self-compassion and acknowledging the fatigue you are experiencing is normal. You can free yourself from the flow of negative self-hypnosis that contributes to unproductiveness.

Let Yourself Be Imperfect

Do not criticize yourself in the state of empathy, but be kind to yourself. Self-compassion will add motivation. A happy state increases efficiency after you do that. Most of us are motivated by action, not the other way around. You should not sit and wait for the desire to do something, wake up, force yourself to start.

Things to Do to Boost Motivation

Overcoming a depressed state is a hard task, but you can do that. Besides applying the tips mentioned above to work on your inner self, you have to do other things.

Learn Something New

It is pretty hard to start doing things when being depressed, but mental and physical actions can get you out of this mood. There are so many things to do to get better. You can start learning a foreign language from home, for example. Learning a foreign language has a great scope of benefits: from boosting your career to the next level to improving mental health. It also increases brain activity that influences the endorphins.

Pick the language you always wanted to learn or mathematics skills you want to improve in and start studying it with an online math tutor.

Small things matter

Small things matter. Wipe down the table, pay the bills, or do the dishes. You need to start taking some action and keep your mind and body occupied. It is how you create a stream of activity. Once you’re done with small tasks, you will feel ready to tackle the next more significant and more challenging tasks.

Get down to your primary job after, start with the most challenging tasks. Once you tackle the tricky part, you will feel a surge of confidence in your abilities and quickly get through the small tasks.

Do Sports Regularly

The fact is, the scientist suggested that we are simply distracted from what worries us during physical exercise. The positive effect lasts no more than 24 hours, and therefore the breaks between classes should not be extended. Sitting quietly in a comfortable leather chair can have the same positive effect too. Good news for those who are not too keen on sports, right? Exercises improve a person’s mental state, but they are not a panacea for depression.

Meditation Helps Overcome Depressed Moods

Meditation has tremendous potential for relieving depression as well as other mental problems. It can help every person who faces such issues. You have to understand why you are meditating, how to do it correctly, and what it is for. Meditation is not a magic pill of happiness, not a way to experience pleasant emotions while drowning out unpleasant ones. Although the practice has a positive effect on the brain’s chemical balance, its impact is much broader.

Go to Fresh Air More Often

A healthy body and mind require going for a walk every day. Walking in the fresh air can significantly increase your mood. It is a fact that short walks can improve depression symptoms like anxiety and sleep changes. Do not skip such a fantastic opportunity to improve your health and fire up motivation. You can also change your workplace and work in the fresh air.

Bottom Line

It is not easy to overcome depression or a depressed state of mind. We know that applying much effort in getting over these states can bring positive results. You have to remember that consistent activity – mental, physical, and rest help to boost motivation. The results will not be quick. You have to remember that.

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Author's Bio

Ryan is a passionate writer who likes sharing his thoughts and experience with the readers. Currently, he works as a digital marketing specialist; you can check here. He likes everything related to traveling and new countries.

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