Infographic: 19 Simple Productivity Hacks Backed By Science

There’s a big difference between working hard and working smart. Working shorter, but ultra-productive hours are much better than working long hours at half-pace. There are many things that contribute to productivity including your workspace, workflow, and break habits. That’s right, taking breaks can actually make you more productive!

To help you assess your productivity struggles, GetVoIP created this infographic on science-backed productivity hacks. Did you know that people are less productive in a cold office environment or that working at a standing desk can increase productivity? Would you have imagined that looking at cute pictures or taking naps are good for productivity too?

When it comes to your productivity, it’s important to adopt habits, systems, and tools that work for you. If you like to keep some things digital, and some on paper, there’s nothing stopping you from that. Whatever works for you is what you need to stick to. Some people might find that paper planners are inefficient for their lifestyle, however, in the era of all things digital, there is strong evidence that writing on paper might be one of the easiest steps toward a healthy and productive life.

If you find yourself struggling to focus and get your work done, try some of these tips on productivity infographic below:

19 simple hacks

Embrace the Light: Natural light boosts alertness and cognitive function. Open those blinds and soak up the sunshine!

Silence the Noise and Notifications: The constant pinging of emails and social media can disrupt your workflow. Silence notifications or utilize tools for focused work sessions.

19 simple hacks

Plants for Productivity: Studies suggest that plants can improve air quality, reduce stress, and even enhance creativity. Spruce up your workspace with some greenery.

Listen to Nature Sounds: Nature Sounds can mask distracting background noises, like office chatter or traffic. These calming sounds can create a more serene environment that allows you to concentrate better on the task at hand. Certain nature sounds, like babbling brooks or birds chirping, have been linked to increased creative thinking. These sounds may stimulate brain activity in areas associated with creativity and problem-solving.

Benefits of Doing Difficult Tasks First: Tackling difficult tasks first can be a powerful productivity strategy, often referred to as the “eat the frog” method (popularized by Brian Tracy). When you get the most challenging tasks out of the way early, you eliminate the mental burden of looming deadlines and avoid procrastination.

19 simple hacks

Schedule Your Breaks: Don’t skip breaks! Schedule short breaks throughout the day to refresh your mind and avoid burnout. We all know the importance of hard work, but what about the power of strategic breaks? Contrary to popular belief, taking breaks isn’t a sign of laziness; it’s a  proven way to boost your focus, creativity, and overall productivity. 

Strategic breaks are not about wasting time; they’re an investment in your productivity. By incorporating these tips, you can transform breaks from a guilty pleasure into a powerful tool for achieving more in less time. So, the next time you feel the urge to take a break, embrace it! Your brain will thank you for it

19 simple hacks

Striking up conversations with coworkers can be a win-win situation. Here are some tips to make talking to coworkers more enjoyable and beneficial for both of you:

Break the Ice:

  • Start with small talk: Ask about their weekend, their commute, or if they saw the latest game. These small openers can lead to more engaging conversations.
  • Find common ground: Look for shared interests you might have, like hobbies, sports teams, or current events.
  • Compliment their work: Acknowledge their achievements or a recent project they did well on. Genuine compliments can spark positive conversations.
19 simple hacks

Remember: Consistency is key! By incorporating these science-backed hacks into your routine, you can create a more productive and fulfilling work experience. So, what are you waiting for? Start using at least some of these hacks and watch your productivity soar!

At Luxafor, we’re more than just productivity gadget manufacturers and industry specialists. We’re a team of passionate experts dedicated to providing you with actionable tips, proven techniques, and insightful information – all designed to elevate your efficiency and propel you towards success. We curate a wealth of knowledge, from time management strategies and habit-building hacks to the latest research and industry trends in productivity.

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