5 Ways To Boost Your Productivity While Being Busy - Luxafor

5 Ways to Help Employees Be More Productive In the Post-Pandemic World

The way employees used to work has been interrupted. In this pandemic, employers need to find new and innovative ways to keep their workforce engaged, motivated and productive. And more so, as now they are not available in the office room physically. Let’s take a look into the five best practices to mitigate the consequences of this crisis and ways for employees to continue to drive productivity in your workplace.

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9 Tips for Working Remotely From a Freelancer

9 Tips for Working Remotely From a Freelancer

Chances are, you are reading this article on how to beat procrastination instead of working on an important task. Am I right? You just keep looking for an explanation why you are constantly distracted by all sorts of things that have nothing to do with your work. Yes, this is procrastination. So I decided to share some tips that helped me. Some of them may seem unusual to you, and some may even contradict each other, but they work. Just try them and choose the methods that are right for you.

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How to Simplify Your Ever-Growing Network of Tasks - Luxafor

How to Simplify Your Ever-Growing Network of Tasks

We shouldn’t overestimate task management capacity just because we can outsource some thinking to machines. However, by employing some basic good practices and seeding helpful habits, you can get a grip on your network of tasks and enjoy increased productivity as a result.

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