All Of The Best Luxafor Open Source Projects In One Place

Welcome to Luxafor, your one-stop shop for conquering the ever-elusive realm of productivity. We understand the constant struggle to streamline your workflow, achieve goals, and tame the ever-growing to-do list. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a student overwhelmed by deadlines, or simply someone seeking to optimize your daily routine, Luxafor is here to empower you.

At Luxafor, we’re more than just productivity gadget manufacturers and industry specialists. We’re a team of passionate experts dedicated to providing you with actionable tips, proven techniques, and insightful information – all designed to elevate your efficiency and propel you towards success. We curate a wealth of knowledge, from time management strategies and habit-building hacks to the latest research and industry trends in productivity.


We were (and still are) thrilled about the massive interest in Luxafor. So we made a list of everyone who has put their time and effort in developing new Luxafor open source projects.

From day one Luxafor was created as an open source software. Because we believe that with a little bit of creativity and ingenuity of our users, Luxafor can become the most helpful tool not only for open office employees. And with an open-source code anyone could study, alter and develop new solutions, integrations, and features. Tailored to whatever needs they would seem fit.

We were glad about any initial interest, but we never expected such a massive response as it is. Therefore we would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who believes in Luxafor and has put their time and effort into developing new captivating Luxafor open source projects that they think would fit.

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Check out all the Luxafor open-source projects

Luxafor by Maik Wolf (maikwolf) – a simple Java library that provides simple API to control Luxafor devices via usb4java.

Using the Luxafor Flag and a Raspberry Pi Zero W as a Teams Status Light by Sam Merrell – showcasing his own experience with Luxafor Flag software as well as creative solution to avoid distractions with using Luxafor Flag as an availability indicator in WFH environment by customizing and integrating it with Raspberry Pi Zero W.

Ubuntu Luxafor Notifications by Jon Charnas (goeland86) – script to catch DBus notifications and show them on the Luxafor. It lets the user rely on presets and use a simple notify-send command to change color.

Luxafor Spotify by Otto Vehviläinen (Mumakil) – this set of scripts will change users’ Luxafor light’s colors based on their Spotify player’s state. Hence it automatically checks users’ Spotify status every 10 seconds and changes the color accordingly (red when playing and green when not playing).

Activity Lighter by borgej – Luxafor status program that can read availability from Skype/Exchange client and set the color of users’ Luxafor light. Also, lets user choose their own availability status and make the application update their Lync status.

Luxafor for Slack by Lochlan Bunn (loklaan) – Luxafor for Slack, which lights up the Luxafor device depending on Slack statuses. So the user can make Luxafor light change colours in sync with their Slack statuses.

Luxafor for Slack by Grégoire Pailler (gpailler) – Windows application that displays users’ Slack unread messages/mentions on their Luxafor device. So the device switches to red color if you have unread mention(s) and blue color if you have unread message(s).

Luxafor Panel by Mobilefunuk – customized Luxafor Control Panel.

Luxafor Webpack by Daan Kets – a new npm/nodejs library that allows you to use your luxafor flag to indicate the progress of webpack builds.

Luxafor Sharp by Edouard Paumier (Duncan-Idaho) – a lightweight .Net library that allows to access the device through a simple API. In addition it provides a few interfaces with simple methods to format commands and send them to the device. Finally, through it, you can easily plug Luxafor to your own application.

Luxafor Tools by Arjan Eising (arjaneising) – tools and demo code for Luxafor lights.

Luxafor Python by Felipe Martín (fmartingr) – Luxafor Python script interface for Linux users.

Luxafor-python by Vince Mitchell (vmitchell85) – Luxafor Python Script interface to modify the Luxafor USB LED indicator.

Luxafor Command-line by Elviskvalbergs – Node JS script for controlling your Luxafor via command-line and other applications. In addition, it’s a part of a web service that triggers a Luxafor device to light up in one of the present levels and flashes to get attention.

Luxafor by iamthefox – a simple Javascript library that provides API to control Luxafor devices.

Node Luxafor and Luxafor Python by Dave Irvine (dave-irvine) – Python Script interface and Node-Luxafor, which allows user to control Luxafor notification light via node.js.

Luxafor Python by Rbaier – Python Script interface for Luxafor.

Javascript for Luxafor by Lochlan Bunn (loklaan) – a Javascript library that provides simple API to control Luxafor devices via node.js.

Luxafor Python Florian Keller (ffflorian) – Python Script interface for Luxafor.

LuxaforCLI by Nick Pearson (nicholaspearson) – Luxafor Command-line interface.

Luxafor CLI by Julien Tardot (Djuuu) – a simple command-line application to control Luxafor devices. This app is based on the LuxaforSharp .Net by Edouard Paumier.

PyLuxafor by Magnus (mais4719) – simple Python module for interacting with your Luxafor device.

PyLuxafor by Tom Smith (takeontom) – Python API for the Luxafor Flag.

Node Luxafor by Mario Winkler (splosch) – controls Luxafor notification light via node.js.

Trigger DND by Peter Goes (petergoes) at De Voorhoede (voorhoede) – enables Do not disturb mode on Mac OS, in Slack and turns your Luxafor light red.

Python script as service for the Luxafor Flag by Franc Jerez – Flag is a very small Python 3.x module managed by launchd, tested on (and designed for) macOS Big Sur.

Linux script for Luxafor Mute Button by James Davies – a simple Python script to allow using your Luxafor Mute button with Linux. It has been tested with Ubuntu 21.04

Luxafor On Air by James Schlackman – a Windows 10 app that monitors whether the microphone is in use by any application and sets the Luxafor light accordingly with user-customizable colors. This allows you to use Luxafor lights as an ‘on air’ indicator to show when you are taking part in a web meeting and should not be disturbed, regardless of the meeting software you are using.

Busy Tag’s software for developers* is available now on the Busy Tag website! You are welcome to test the functionalities and learn to customize the device to fit your needs using the GitHub repositories.
You can find examples of the code as well as a brief learning course about the device’s functionality on the Busy Tag GitHub platform:

We are periodically updating this list. So if you wish to see your project here, please send us an email to

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