Top 10 Tips To Reduce Stress With Time Management

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    Stress is one of the most important factors not only in life in general, but also in the evolution of man, society and nature. Any change in the way of life, conditions of existence, and the world around inevitably leads to the fact that the body experiences increased stress and the release of a number of chemicals that provoke adaptive processes.

    As a rule, stress is experienced as suffering, and therefore in most cases in the norm any individuals of any species try to avoid it. Humans are a rather rare exception to the rule, as they strive to consciously experience stress in the process of learning, adapting to new forms of activity or coping with natural stress that has arisen in times of danger.

    Moreover, humans have a number of mechanisms that are stronger than stress and the urge to avoid it, and which encourage individuals to get into situations that are fraught with stress. These include curiosity, the instincts for preserving one’s own kind and species, and social agreement, the social solidarity that drives one to take actions that are obviously dangerous to oneself. Such important social emotions include heroism, self-sacrifice, curiosity, desire for social advancement, love and respect of others, etc. Such emotions are supported by public opinion and give a special status to the actions of the people who are guided by them.

    To counteract stress, there are several basic strategies. One of the most effective is to realize the purpose, the deeper meaning of one’s actions, which justifies the experience of unpleasant emotions. Another option is to use willpower and firmness of intention, which refers to standing up to intense unpleasantness. That is, for example, instead of paying for the college essay, the student is better off sitting down and doing it himself. The second option is unreliable because it depends on many specific extrinsic factors, such as mental stability, mental experience and training, ability to keep cool in a tense situation, abstraction from pain, etc. specific skills. Awareness of one’s mission and higher values enables even a completely secondary person, who is in no way connected with special training, to gain fantastic victories over himself and to achieve very difficult and distant goals.

    The most effective means of combating stress is to imagine what kind of negativity a person will face, or what it may look like at all. In this case, it will be much easier to counteract it.

    You can also learn all the methods of time planning, but you should understand that you should not strictly follow some rules. You are the master of your life and your time, and it is up to you to decide how to spend and organize it.

    1. Control your mobile phone

    Take under strict control all office equipment in your immediate vicinity. Fax, phone, and constant checking of emails. While doing important business, do not be distracted by phone calls, especially those that were not replanned. Call back when you are confident of completing important work.

    2. Reduce the number of business meetings to a minimum

    It would be useful to supplement this advice with maximum reduction of time spent in such meetings. Too much time is usually wasted in business meetings. If you have a clear tactic for the conversation, you can resolve all the issues and proceed with the important and obligatory tasks in a sufficiently concrete way.

    3. Impeccable punctuality

    Respect your time, as well as appreciate the time of your opponent. It is enough to always be in the right place at the right time to always be respected and trusted. With such an important habit, you will strengthen your own authority, and you will have a significant advantage over your colleagues, suppliers, partners and dealers. Punctuality has always been, is and will always be the hallmark of a successful person.

    4. Form lists

    All effective planning systems use lists. Write down everything that needs to be done, important things to do, and plans. Do not think that lists and planning limit you. It is exactly the opposite. The more detailed you write everything down, the less you have to keep your brain busy and can easily get on with putting what you have written down into action.

    5. Use all of your resources to achieve your goal

    Find motivating reasons for your success. Becoming effective is simple by understanding what it is. Conscious and timely application of time, opportunity, talent and intelligence moves you in the right direction. Try more often to adjust your direction in the face of changing reality.

    6. Make catalogs of events

    Find empty folders and thirty of them identify for the first month, the other thirty for the next month and sort through these folders all the letters, documents, facts and planned meetings for a particular date. You can use electronic programs, but the practice of working with paper catalogs has been tested by centuries of tradition.

    7. Allocate time for specific tasks

    Plan more precisely for the time of the task and firmly tie the time to a specific date.

    8. Reduce to an absolute minimum all unscheduled activities

    Make it a habit to do everything according to the plan. This way you get rid of chaotic rushing and use your time purposefully effectively.

    9. Make use of extraordinary situations in a useful way

    If you are caught in a traffic jam, instead of worrying, relax and listen to a motivating audio book, a lecture or learn a foreign language. Take stock in your diary, or quietly adjust your changing schedule.

    10. Try not to be exposed to herd instinct

    Choose travel times when they do not coincide with rush-hour traffic. Create your own rhythm of life; do not waste time on lines and other expectations. Learning to apply such tips, you will significantly save a lot of your nerves and your time.

    Do you want to build and maintain new habits? Get your free PDF version of the Don't Break The Chain calendar and start today!

    Do you want to build and maintain new habits? Get your free PDF version of the Don't Break The Chain calendar and start today!

    Author's Bio

    Jessica Chapman is a writing editor from Chicago who enjoys traveling. She works with Australian Writings, and if you need programming assignment help, she is the best person you can ask. She is also into politics and sports.

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