100 Productivity Tips You Need in your life to Become Successful in 2023
In the last years, we’ve undertaken innumerable productivity tests in Luxafor, interrogated some of the world’s most successful people, and browsed and analyzed a plethora of books and scientific papers on productivity and efficiency, all to figure out how to be as productive and efficient as plausible, and then share what we’ve discovered with others.
Years of expertise, a lot of articles examination, and over time, we’ve reached this list. We are not keeping it out to ourselves but sharing. As sharing is caring.
Bear in mind that most of the tips here have been scientifically shown to enhance your efficiency, while others require a little trial and error to find exactly the ones fit for you.
In the parts that come, we’ll go over different levels of certain top productivity tips, routines, and finest secrets that lie on the surface, but at times may be missed.
So, have you been looking for advice on how to be more productive and become more successful than you are now? We got your back.
Do you want to keep a track of your tips completion? And maintain new habits? Get your free PDF version of the 100 Productivity Tips you need in your life in 2023 and start today!
- Make sure to sleep well
It is scientifically proven that you must understand when you are going to bed considering when you wake up, so there is more value to your sleep, more energy restoration, and overall recovery you get from it. - Wake up early
If you wake up early – more productive you will be. As if you get up earlier in the morning, it motivates you to do something, simply not to waste time. And that will lead to upcoming tips: - Have a breakfast
Remember – breakfast is the 1st meal of the day, which means – how you start your day is how it will go. If you have a breakfast that gives you the most energy in the beginning, the better the upcoming day is going to be. - Quit watching Youtube, Social media, and TV, and minimize these distractions
Otherwise, you’ll waste 15 years of your lifespan on these distractions, time that could be spent on far more important higher-leverage activities. Do it in your breaks and relaxation time, but not during valuable processes. - Turn off notifications
Our suggestion would be to turn off notifications from social media, from your phone or PC as these will easily influence your interruption, increasing lack of attention and hyperactivity. It might take up to 23 minutes to regain attention after being disturbed. - Stop multitasking
Multitasking lowers efficiency and effectiveness. If you just concentrate on one single task at a time, your brain will be perfectly effective. - The night prior, write a to-do list
You’ll have the focus for the day if you begin the day with a concise checklist. - Maintain a routine
Routines reduce the amount of time you use switching activities and remove some unpredictability from your day. These can (and ought) be violated on occasion, but they should be considered the “norm”. - Acknowledge the power of NO
Certain things are just not worth your time, energy, and attention. Tell “no” more often and find time for the things important to you. Prioritize. - Give less time to essential tasks
This appears to be paradoxical. While you limit the amount of time you allow oneself to focus on critical activities, you push yourself to invest more effort in less time to complete the tasks quicker. - Write a time log
Whenever you monitor how you use your time, you can determine how much time you’re squandering, which allows you to recoup wasted time and think about how to utilize your time more efficiently initially. - Set personal objectives
Long-term and short-term aims will keep your attention on what matters most. - Try a maintenance day
Organize all of your “maintenance duties” (laundry, grocery, housekeeping, watering plants, etc.) on one day of the week so you can devote more time to greater duties during the rest of the week. - Keep in mind that “flawless is the enemy of good”
Referring to #13. Your home will never be totally clean and always will be something out of order. Learn to stop, especially with low-leverage tasks. - Avoid visual stimuli
Bypass busy areas, areas in which a lot of individuals walk by, and any type of flashing indications, as our minds are naturally drawn to those. This tip extends #4. - Chew bubblegum
Chewing enhances the oxygen flow, making you concentrated and focused for extended periods of time. - Keep a record of secondary and supplementary tasks to complete
You’ll periodically catch yourself with spare time, so maintain a list of background activities ready to keep you occupied. In addition to #7. - Set the “challenging” level for each activity
It will assist you in mentally preparing for each sort of work and reorganizing your schedule based on these challenge classifications. - Divide large tasks into smaller ones
Make life easier so you have more opportunities to organize and schedule. - Inhale some fresh air and get some sun.
Stepping outside might help you refresh your thoughts and ease tension. As well as, allow sunshine in. The sun elevates your mood and makes you attentive.
Office / Work
21. Make use of the Pomodoro Technique
When you work in sessions it must reduce exhaustion and boosts productivity. Focus on one job for 25 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes before repeating. After four sessions, take a longer break. Here’s a brief reference.
P.S. even Elon Musk divides his day into five-minute parts. You don’t need to go to this extreme but think about your time in pieces to plan more productively.
22. Work a maximum of 35 hours each weekÂ
According to WHO research, you need to work 35 hours a week to be the most efficient and innovative. Extended working hours can increase productivity, but only in the near future. In the long term, it won’t affect you any good.
23. Prepare your talks (to an extent)Â
Meetings and phone conversations may waste too much time, so plan ahead of time whatever you want to discuss. Just don’t turn into a cyborg.
24. Make use of an Eisenhower matrixÂ
The Eisenhower Matrix is a technique that compels you to rank in terms of both priority and importance, allowing you to make more educated choices about your most urgent demands.
25. As a reminder, use sticky notes
Visible reminders will encourage your brain in memorizing and maintaining concentration on the most needed at the moment.
26. Put on your headphones
Using headphones is one of the signals to everyone else that you are content, and it stops people from approaching and disturbing you.
27. Nonetheless, allow some wiggle room in your planÂ
If you over-schedule, you’ll wish you would have more adaptability time to do what is needed.
28. Do little work right awayÂ
Avoid letting those bothersome one-minute jobs accumulate. Do these A$AP.
29. Use busy light to minimize interruptions
State clearly that you do not want to be sidetracked, and just inform them with the RED color on this device.
30. Employ the spider approach
With the spider approach, you may learn to ignore distractions. If individuals entering your space easily distract you, attempt to disregard them by remaining focused on your job.
31. Establish personal deadlinesÂ
As per Parkinson’s Law, the time taken to complete anything grows to fill the time provided for it. As a result, if you set stricter deadlines for oneself, you must be able to accomplish your task more quickly.
32. Recognize when to procrastinateÂ
Procrastination is normally a terrible thing, but it can function to your advantage when you’ll be able to finish this duty more effectively and without penalties in the future. In this context, procrastination equals relaxation and free time.
33. Identify your most significant tasksÂ
Create a list of all the tasks for that you are responsible at work, and then ask yourself: if you can just perform three of those things all day, whichever of them would you choose? The following are the three main processes to which you should devote 80-90% of your time.
34. Put a sign, that you are busy
There is a really great sign that will help you out with keeping your colleagues posted:
Do not disturb me! And you can easily switch it when you are free to talk.
35. Focus on the results rather than the effort
While planning and prioritizing, consider the overall impact of each activity instead of the quantity of time every activity will need.
36. Maintain hydrationÂ
Just a minor decrease in hydration might result in a significant loss of efficiency. Hold a drink of water at your workspace. But extra tip – don’t accidentally push it, when it’s open, as all desk space might be watery after that.Â
37. /In case you use it/ Caffeine should be used wiselyÂ
Caffeine might improve your attention and awareness initially during the day. However, too much or too late might disrupt your sleep cycle.
38. Improve your typing speedÂ
Touch typing may enhance writing speed from 40 WPM to 60-80 WPM—a 50% to 100% enhancement. That time you save will rapidly add up.
39. Reduce the amount of time you’ll perform whatever till you no longer feel resistance to itÂ
This is an excellent method for incorporating new routines into our life. “Can I sit for 15 minutes and meditate?” No, I’m not going to do anything because I’m feeling pushback. Okay, how about ten? Still much too lengthy. Okay, how about five? I don’t feel any resistance to that. “I think I can sit for five minutes.” Boom.
40. Put on Mute
You can optimize your ability to put people on Mute if you have plenty of conversations digitally. Do it with the tap of your finger.
41. Doodle
That improves your ability to focus, be more creative, and absorb knowledge.
42. Add items to a “Read Later” collection
If you come across fascinating materials while working that you want to read, store them for the future so you can liberate your thoughts and concentrate on the task at hand. You may employ tools such as Pocket.
43. Decorate your surroundings with artistry
Viewing abstract art might help you be more imaginative and calm your nerves.
44. Add uplifting aromasÂ
Certain odors, such as caffeine or lime, have been shown in tests to raise productivity.
45. Laugh more!Â
Laughing (and overall positive emotions) increase your immunity, ends up making you happy, assists you cope with stress, and reflects on the larger picture. And genuinely smile as it makes people trust you more, and, obviously, relaxes your mind.
46. Choose the perfect color for your officeÂ
According to scientists, blue stimulates the intellect, yellow stimulates emotions, red stimulates the body, and green stimulates a feeling of balance and harmony
47. And you can implement it in your life and change colors like this
We think this one can indeed help you in terms of lighting up your mood and showing others what’s on your mind at the moment.
48. Cultivate more buddies at workÂ
Workplace friendships enhance job happiness by 50% on a median, increase engagement by seven times, and make you 40% better prone to earn a promotion!
49. Have something that brings you joyÂ
Just several minutes spent on a passion may quickly elevate your spirit and get you set to return to work.
50. Experiment with what makes you being challengedÂ
Don’t avoid your hardest activities; instead, put in the greatest practice time in them.
51. And later… Keep a note of your achievements at your deskÂ
Make a list of everything you’re grateful for and refer to it anytime you’re feeling down.
52. Reduce your expectationsÂ
This may seem counterintuitive advice, but decreasing your aspirations boosts your confidence and allows you to relax, have more fun, and not stress about impressing others.
53. Imagine seeing the world in Black and White
First of all, it’ll evolve your imagination, second of all you may get an idea of how colorblind people perceive the world. And how do you think they deal with distractions at work? Only by trying to talk to those people distracting… though there is a solution for every person in the workplace – here. The power of Light.
54. Consider the quality of your effort as well as the amountÂ
Examine your production in terms of both quality and quantity, rather than just amount.
55. Get some plantsÂ
Greenery might boost your happiness and productivity.
56. Purchase ergonomic furniture
Chronic discomfort, canceled days of work, or other types of production losses can arise from poor stances and unpleasant seats.
57. If you need to refresh, take a snoozeÂ
We understand that you cannot constantly obtain seven to nine hours of sleep. If you need to, take a nap.
58. Pet a pet (or give someone a hug)Â
Physical interaction raises oxytocin levels and improves your mood in the near run.
59. Make use of visualizingÂ
Envision yourself accomplishing anything you want to do; whenever the time arrives, it will be effortless to do.
60. MeditateÂ
Calmness meditation clears the mind, boosts emotional control, and boosts cognition.Â
Make it a habit.

Source: Pexels
Corporate level
61. Examine mentors
Attach importance to your productivity mentors — those colleagues who always appear to be ahead of the game. What are they undertaking that you aren’t?
62. Gather feedback
Talk about your competence with your managers, superiors, and even colleagues. Do they notice things that waste your precious time or keep you from reaching your best extent?
63. Define KPIs and personal productivity targets
What do you mean by “productive”? What parameters should be measured the most? Was time well spent? Are the tasks completed? Make objectives in terms of reliable data and flexible dates.
64. Identify and analyze unique characteristics
Aim to separate factors while evaluating your own efficiency; try one new item at a time in order to analyze it in a void.
65. Keep track of your progress (or lack of it)
How are things going for you? Why are you moving forward (or why not)?
66. Put on “work clothes”.
Dressing up in the appropriate attire can help you shift your thoughts into work mode and generate the right mindset.
67. Incorporate CO2 monitor
Referring to #20 we need fresh air. The lack of fresh air will lead to being less productive and less efficient. What shall we do? Have a gadget that will track CO2 levels in our workspace. And open windows when the time has come to get some air.
68. Set the temperature in the workplace to 70-72°F (21-22 °C)
Any temperature higher than 73 °F (23°C) or lower than 68 °F (20°C) reduces production by 10%.
69. Make bad habits extra costlyÂ
Сreate a deal with another person to impose monetary penalties for bad behaviors that are harmful to both of you. This helps you focus on the expenses of your poor routines rather than the benefits.
70. Give yourself a treatÂ
Implementing new activities and routines is tough, but rewarding oneself for completing new activities has been demonstrated to help you establish good habits.
71. Expect challenges to new habitsÂ
Whenever incorporating new practices into your life, keep an eye out for any hurdles or responsibilities that can stand in the way of you creating new routines.
72. Make use of a standing desk
Standing conveys a sense of urgency, focusing attention on completing your work.
73. Alter current location
This can aid you to get liberated and motivate yourself.
74. Make use of the proper working light
Applying blue-enriched white light (17 000 K) improves attentiveness, morale, effectiveness, and focus significantly. It will also help to alleviate evening tiredness, irritation, forgetfulness, and eye pain.
75. Identify somebody who can complement your abilities
Because you have strong and weak points, strive to work with one who balances them out—the yin to your yang.
76. If you have office meetings in a separate room this may be helpful
Use this device in order to show the availability of this room or the status of it in terms for other people to understand, that is this room distraction-free or not.
77. Look for a quiet place
Office employees are most easily distracted by loud coworkers. Seek out locations that are less loud and have fewer interruptions from coworkers. What other opportunities you can use even if it doesn’t help you can find above? Pst… #26
78. Position yourself near a window with a view
Viewing beautiful environments, a tree, or an exquisite building offers healing potential that will refill your consciousness.
79. Please take your timeÂ
Ultimately, patience is required. Nobody can become a productivity expert overnight. It will cost time to figure out where you are, create goals, and tweak your road to greatness. Don’t hurry through the procedure.
80. Recommend at least 20 minutes every day in nature
The environment has the ability to boost your health, cognition, imagination, and mental capacity.
81. Take it easy
Stop, calm down, and begin doing everything with intention. It will assist you in managing your concentration rather than jumping from one work to the next.
82. Give your eyes a rest
Use the 20-20-20 rule. Once every 20 minutes, take a break from your pc and stare at a distant object (at least 20 meters away) for at least 20 seconds. #21 can also help with that.
83. Every hour, get 2 minutes of breathing fresh air
Blood oxygenation levels improve your energy capacity. Go take a stroll outside or open the windows. //But it doesn’t imply you should go for a smoke
84. Distractions should be kept away at a distance more than 20 seconds out of range
You may establish an acceptable amount of temporal distance out of an object to make it less bothersome by putting interruptions more than 20 seconds away.
85. Eat slowly and deliberately
Good nutrition “tells your brain that you might begin to feel full and happy,” preventing overeating, which is a tremendous waste of your power.
86. Recognize that no one cares
Once you understand that most individuals have no concern about your career, wealth, clothing, property, or automobile, you discover you’re more liberated than you anticipated. You can undertake more risks since your existence isn’t fixed in cement, and you feel a lot freer to pursue your passions.
87. Invest in stress-relieving activities
Such as exercising, reading, music listening hanging out with friends and family, having massages, going on a nature trail, relaxing, and engaging in a creative pastime.
88. Analyze your energy levels occasionally to determine your “Biological Prime Time” (the time of day when you are most effective).
89. Discover the secret of the lazy man
Efficiency is defined as working fewer, not more. Reduce your overall labor by utilizing automation and other sorts of task simplicity.
90. Create some templatesÂ
Basic messaging and doc templates will save you valuable time when you use them.
91. Always consider how much energy you have and react appropriately
When you question yourself how much power you have on a regular basis, you can make modifications to either recover once you’re exhausted or take on larger, tougher things when you’re high on enthusiasm. After following for a while, you’ll begin to see patterns.
92. Up overnight, adjust your thermostat to 65ºF (18.3ºC)Â
Many studies indicate that and imagine your bedroom as a temple: chilly, gloomy, and silent.
93. Consume 16oz of water as soon as you awakenÂ
Drink at least 16oz (500mL) of water when you get up each morning. Your body is certainly dehydrated after going eight hours with no water.
94. Have a little power nap.
Napping improves intelligence, remembering, efficiency, response speeds, and vigilance. Naps of 10-20 minutes are ideal for increasing attention and performance. More here.
95. Before you leave the office, clean your workplace
Wasted space and mess interfere with your capability to concentrate and absorb data. Certainly if only it isn’t organized chaos.
96. Straighten your back and sit like that
It improves both your mindset and your energy expenditure. Place the display at the line of sight and the keyboard at the forearm level.
97. Strike a powerful stance
An expanded body posture can assist you in putting your mind in the correct mode of thought and enhancing your ambition.
98. Keep breathing periodically
Don’t catch your breath when checking email or concentrating. Remember to inhale and exhale properly to allow oxygen to reach your head.
99. Improve your dietÂ
Whatever you consume has a significant influence on your energy capacity. The worse your diet is, the faster you’ll be burned out and have reduced vitality to get tasks completed.
100. Constantly work with a clear goal in mind
Ambition is like wood behind an arc, and by continuously questioning the goal of whatever you’re achieving, you can ensure that your activities are aligned with a concrete idea for you.

We really believe that this list contains all you require and that you’re going to put it to great service. Whether you need overall tips, or you work from home or in a workplace, you now have your list to check into. And remember your workstation does not have to be a place of discomfort and lacking productivity and efficiency. It’s indeed possible to establish an ideal workplace environment for you with the advice above. Not only will this refresh your view on your efficiency and productivity, but it will also improve your concentration and interest.Â
Come back to it and suggest it to those who will benefit from it.