Writing Smarter - Tips and Strategies for Productive Writing

We’ve all encountered people in life who start the day refreshed and happy with a beaming smile from ear to ear while you’re feeling a bit grumpy still trying to shake off the sleepy fog in your head. Would you also like to jump out of bed without feeling the need to snooze the alarm several times? Yes, it is possible – you too can become a “morning person”. All you have to do is try these six simple steps described below and include them in your daily routine to feel more joy in your life and become more productive.

Sometimes changes in our lifestyle force us to adapt our routine and can make us to become either a morning person or a night person. That is why these tips have been compiled for people who have had to change their lifestyle due to work or studies or just need to be awake early in the morning feeling better and getting ready to tackle the day ahead. These tips will also be useful to all those who want to have more free time and we believe that they will find such a moment in the early hours of the day. Finally, these tips will help those who want to be more efficient in life and those who just want to enjoy the first hours of the day more usefully and efficiently whether at home or at work.

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    Step 1: Prepare for the morning the evening before

    Source: Pexels

    In order to become a morning person, the first few weeks of preparation and the transition period will not be easy, so try to make this transition more simple for yourself and complete the mundane (but necessary) tasks already the evening before. In the first weeks you can build better habit to prepare and make your mornings easier, and avoid unnecessary stress by doing some preparation the night before.

    For example, choose the clothes you will wear to work tomorrow and put them close at hand. Think about what you will eat for breakfast, if possible, prepare the necessary things ahead of time. Finally, make a list of the important tasks for the next day. Doing so will help you avoid stress every morning and help you become a little more productive. With time, you will get used to this routine and then you will also be able to add to the list of duties to be performed the night before, if necessary.

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    Step 2: Find your motivation

    No matter how determined you are to become a morning person, it will only benefit you if you find the right motivation to get up every morning. This will be especially helpful during the period of transition. Choose a reason or a reward that will create a good enough motivation for you to  get up early so that you will not choose to turn off the alarm and go to sleep, but will actually get up.

    What will be the reward for such action, of course, depends only on you. It could be a very delicious cup of coffee or tea, reserved only for special occasions. It could be buying that new thing you’ve wanted for so long. It could be a moment of rest when you can read the morning news or do morning self-care rituals for which you have not had time until now. It could also be something more vigorous, like going to the gym. Or anything else that you didn’t have enough time for before.

    Source: Pexels

    Step 3: Schedule your night's sleep

    The hard truth is that you will never become a morning person if you don’t sleep well. Plan the time so that getting up early in the morning does not significantly reduce the amount of your sleep over a long period of time (for weeks). In addition, give yourself enough time in the morning so that you don’t have to do everything in a hurry and you don’t get stressed.

    Make sure to get at least 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep even if you have to redo the daily and nightly routine. The new regime should be such that you have as little desire as possible to turn off the alarm clock in the morning and feel well rested when you wake up, because sleep is the key to your productivity.

    It’s only logical to assume that making such a change will require you to go to bed earlier than you are used to. But you will soon realize that it is much better to go to bed when you are actually feel tired, even if you think you could be watching another series of your favorite show. It will take some time to get used to the changes and find your new daily rhythm.

    Source: Pexels

    Step 4: Go outside

    Morning people know something that night people don’t, and it has to do with the crisp morning air, the magic of sunrise and first rays of warmth that can only be felt in the mornings. That is why an important step to becoming a morning person is exposure to the early morning air and sunlight. Find out for yourself what is the most tempting treat for you to step outside, even if only for a fresh cup of coffee or to walk your dog a bit earlier. You might consider drinking your coffee outside (weather permitting, of course), going for a short walk, or at least opening the window and letting the morning air into the room.

    If possible, try to do the first morning activities outside, right after waking up. This is a good next step to becoming a morning person when you decide to go out in the morning and feel the freshness of the morning air, and the start of the new day. Take a longer walk to work tomorrow and let your mind clear with each step you take.

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    Step 5. Stick to your routine

    Often the morning routine is what determines what your day will be like. Productive or not so productive – only you can decide and influence it! Do you often have mornings when you just want to sleep and do nothing and end up being late to work on an appointment? Certainty is key and a good routine can provide that for you.

    An advanced morning routine prepares you for the tasks to be done and allows you to feel energetic throughout the day. If you want to achieve more and become a better version of yourself, we recommend planning your morning and sticking to the chosen activities until they become a habit. If you spend the morning tossing and turning from one end of the bed to the other, you won’t feel open to all that life has to offer. We recommend to perceive the morning as the beginning of new opportunities and self-growth.

    Source: Pexels

    Step 6: Develop an attitude of gratitude

    Replace your first worrying or anxious thoughts in the morning to gratitude when you first wake up. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, enjoy the good experiences, improve health, cope with adversity, and build stronger relationships. Try writing down at least three things you’re grateful for before you leave the house each day – you’ll notice that you feel lighter when you focus on the things you have instead of the things you don’t have.

    Smile and appreciate yourself more. Yes, it is that easy, it`s just a matter of practice. From a biological point of view, a positive outlook in the morning and feeling grateful causes the release of hormones such as dopamine, endorphins and serotonin in your body. Start with a simple thought of gratitude as soon as you wake up and you’ll give yourself a natural mood boost that can last all day long.

    Bonus tips to start your day

    We have also prepared some additional bonus tips to make it easier to become a morning person – helping you to make the most of it while trying to develop your new healthier habits:


    The mind isn’t the only thing that needs a positive boost in the morning. If you drink a glass of lukewarm water 20 minutes before breakfast, your digestive system will kick into gear and flush out all the excess toxins, which will be great for your energy flow. You don’t need to rely only on caffeine to wake up.


    yes, we get it, it’s challenging. But listen up – turning the shower from hot to cold in the last 20 seconds of a wash involves intakes that get your heart racing. This causes blood to flow throughout the body, which provides a natural surge of energy. A small price to pay for feeling super energized and ready to take on the day, right?


    Although many of us skip this crucial step in favor of a few extra minutes of sleep, we are doing ourselves a disservice. In fact, eating breakfast boosts your metabolism and stabilizes your blood sugar, both of which have been scientifically proven to help you feel happier and more energetic. Breakfast provides our body with energy and nutrients for an active and busy day. It is sometimes said that breakfast is the main meal of the day, so it should be healthy and balanced.


    There is scientific evidence that smell has a strong effect on our emotions. To start the day with a positive, energetic mood, spray a little scented booster in form of your favorite perfume into the air. Morning is the time to use your favorite home or personal fragrance to lift your spirits.

    Source: Pexels


    Exercise, like other physical activities, releases endorphins into the blood, which will wake you up and improve your mood. When you move your body, you send a message to your mind, that you are ready to wake up and get active with less struggle. We are not saying that you should go to the gym every morning, because not everyone has the time and opportunity. Start your morning with simple exercises that you can do at home.


    Some days tend to be harder than others. Instead of stressing about everything that needs to be done during a busy day, writing down the three to five most important things you want to accomplish by the end of the day will help reduce stress and fatigue. Do the most important tasks first, thus you will avoid unwanted stress and make your day easier.


    The surprising power of everyday things in life can create extraordinary moments of joy. Mornings are full of big and small moments of joy that we often overlook when we are tired and grumpy. Take time for reflection every morning.

    Open the window to listen to the morning birdsong; light a softly scented candle while you prepare for your day; enjoy your morning coffee, tea or a fresh juice. Paying more attention to small moments is an easy way to start the day with a small dose of joy.


    Success in the workplace depends on how you prepare for the day and start your morning. Successful people know how important it is to plan the start of their day, and they know how to use it effectively. Using the recommendations we have prepared, you too can become a morning person who has his own morning rituals for a productive day, being able to focus on the most important things without feeling stressed and rushing to get out of the house the last minute.

    Each person has his own way of planning their morning, but successful people try to make the most of the morning and, as the years go by, they become more and more aware of what is important to them and develop their own morning success rituals. In order to help you become a successful morning person, we have shared these 6 steps and even some bonus tips in this article with suggestions that will help you become a better version of yourself and will let you enjoy your mornings more easily and effortlessly.

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    A morning person is someone who naturally feels most alert and productive in the morning. They tend to wake up easily and have high energy levels early in the day. This is often due to their natural sleep-wake cycle, also known as their circadian rhythm

    Benefits include increased productivity, improved mood, better health, and more time to enjoy your day.

    • Choose activities you enjoy: Select activities that energize you and help you feel productive.
    • Start small: Begin with a simple routine and gradually add more activities as you adjust.
    • Be consistent: Stick to your routine as much as possible, even on weekends.
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